LIZORI in the book “Digital Draw Connections”

In the book “Digital Draw Connections – Representing Complexity and Contradiction in Landscape” published by the prestigious Springer publishing house, an entire chapter is dedicated to the Burg of Lizori as a case study for energy requalification strategies “… an example of applying good practices…. (pp. 861-877). Chapter available on…/10.1007/978-3-030-59743-6_40

An initiative supported by the Antonio Meneghetti Scientific and Humanistic Research Foundation – Switzerland. More info in the book:


“Zero Emission Burg: Energy Requalification Strategies Within the Folds of the Picturesque” The present research deals with the complex and contradictory relation between the sustainability of architecture and the search for quality of the landscape, taking as a case study the theme of the energy requalification of the historic Burg of Lizori, a settlement located along the olive grove that connects Assisi and Spoleto.

The burg, abandoned until the mid-seventies, underwent a recovery process that led it to be an example of applying good practices…. (…)

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